Terms & Conditions

Loyalty Card Rewards Program is operated by WSoft Pty Ltd. By participating in the Rewards Program, you agree to these Terms and Conditions. It is customer’s responsibility to read and understand these Terms and Conditions.

Loyalty cards are issued to the person whose name appears on the application form and are not transferable to any other persons.

To start earning loyalty points you must present your loyalty card to staff member every time you make a purchase at our participating store or service provider. Your purchase is recorded onto your membership card every time it is tapped.

Reward points can not be awarded after the sale is cashed through the register.

All your rewards are stored in a secure WSoft Pty Ltd Rewards account. You can keep track of your rewards via http://loyalty.wsoft.com.au website. Simply click the login icon to log in. There you will enter your email and Password

You cannot redeem or exchange your points for cash. You cannot sell or transfer your points to anyone.

Any customers who deliberately mis-use their card or another members card will have it voided by management.

Lost or stolen loyalty cards must be reported to management of participating store or service provider immediately and a new card will be issued.

By signing as a member the recipient of the loyalty card agrees and acknowledges they may occasionally receive promotional material such as special offers or important messages from company customer signed up to.

We may change the Rewards Program and these Terms and Conditions at any time. We would publish an updated version on our website. Your continued participation in our Rewards Program means acceptance of such changes.

Privacy Policy

Respecting your privacy

WSoft Pty Ltd respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your Personal Information. WSoft Pty Ltd is bound by and complies with the requirements of the Australian Privacy Act 1988 and The Australian Privacy Principles (APPs)

This policy outlines:

  • Kinds of information we collect and hold
  • How we collect and hold your personal information
  • Purposes for which we collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information
  • Your right to access and seek correction of your personal information
  • How you may complain about privacy matters

Kinds of information we collect and hold

We may collect and hold information that is reasonably necessary for our business functions and activities. We collect and hold information such as:

  • Personal details such as name, address, telephone numbers, age, gender
  • Customer reference number or loyalty card number
  • Any rewards applicable to your membership or loyalty program
  • Whether you have a connection with others whose personal information we may collect or hold
  • What, how and when you buy from us or have expressed an interest in buying from our participating stores or service providers
  • If you stated your preferences, for example whether you may be interested in particular products or promotions

We do not collect sensitive Information. Sensitive information includes health, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, professional or trade association or trade union, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, sexual orientation or practices, criminal record or biometric information

When accessing our site or purchasing products or services you are entitled to use a pseudonym

How and why we collect and hold your personal information

We make every reasonable effort to store and maintain your personal information and protect it from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction by any unauthorised party.

We collect your personal information when:

  • You register with us
  • You communicate with us online
  • You take part in our promotions, competitions, testimonials, surveys and focus groups
  • You deal with us in other ways involving a need for personal information to be provided

When you visit our website, social media pages or mobile applications or click on our advertisements on the online media of other companies, we may collect information about you through cookies. We may use cookies on WSoft Pty Ltd website. Cookies help us to determine consumer’s preferences or interests, and to customise promotions or marketing. You may adjust your web browser to refuse cookies entirely.

We may collect your personal information primarily for the purpose of selling and promoting our products and services to you including to join our loyalty program.

We disclose personal information we collect for purposes which are necessary for the sale and promotion of our goods and services to you.

We may collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information for other purposes which are within reasonable expectations or where permitted by law.

It is unlikely that we will disclose personal information to any overseas countries.

When offering our products and services to you, you may opt out of our direct marketing to you. Our direct marketing materials will tell you how to do this. We will ensure that you will not receive such further communications within reasonable time.

Your right to access and seek correction of your personal information

You can request from WSoft Pty Ltd to access your personal information and also to correct or update this personal Information by emailing us at info@wsoft.com.au. We will endeavour to respond to your request within 30 days.

If you wish to complain about a breach of the privacy rules that bind us, you may contact as at at info@wsoft.com.au. We may discuss your complaint with our personnel and our service providers as appropriate. Our privacy officer will investigate the matter and attempt to resolve it in a timely way. Our privacy officer will inform you in writing about the outcome of the investigation.


This privacy policy is current at the date below. We may change it periodically.
Last update of this policy: 24 November 2015